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During my years in the dance, theatre and media industries, I've had the pleasure to work with some amazing companies, choreographers, makers and performers. Here are some of the things I've been getting up to:


 'A Light in the Backwoods'

‘A Light in the Backwoods’ is an intimate dance theatre solo that explores isolation and belonging. The piece invites us into the life of a hermit named David Moore who is living alone in the woods. Using the body, live music, sound and voice we are lead through an array of landscapes, visions and dreams; eventually, David must question the cost of his chosen life. Choreographed, composed and performed by Charlie Hendren.
Robin Howard Theatre | London  


Possession is a performance by theatre company Mechanimal. It is inspired by the experiences and writings of the desert hermits. It is a devised ensemble performance that blends Coptic, Nubian and Sufi song. An international collaboration between Egyptian and UK artists, this piece was made in desert retreats in Minya and Nubia. Directed by Tom Bailey, Mechanimal. 


Conceived and devised by Choreographer Anne Colvin.
A film by Matt Bartram.

IMPRINT is an exploration into people’s relationship with nature, making dance in response to wild and natural sites.

It was a collaboration between professional dancers and non-trained dancers from Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project to make dance true to the site and everyone’s experiences of it.


Humanah Productions

Humanah Productions is a company of dance-, film- & music artists founded in 2014 by Daniel Persson.

'Community' was performed in Chisenhale Dance Space (2016) with a remake presented in The Robin Howard Dance Theatre as part of Resolution!2017.

Choreography: Daniel Persson with performers
Music played & composed by Jimmy Adams & Charlie Hendren
Costume Design: Leonie Tschapalda
Lighting Design: Daniel Persson

Performers: Jimmy Adams Sara Augieras
Grace Bowen Lawrence Gorringe
Charlie Hendren Bridget Lappin
Sophia Sednova Alexandra Winer

Peut-Être Theatre

I've worked with Peut-Être Theatre for over a decade and each project was an incredible experience. The company has a collaborative, play-based approach to making shows – working with diversely skilled artists and researchers across sectors. Our most recent show 'Tidy Up' was created in residency at Great Ormond Street Hospital - it was an incredible experience and one I'll never forget. 

We've recently developed an interactive movement podcast called Audiomoves for little ones and big ones to move to! These short accessible episodes are designed to encourage children to move, dance, and get creative with a screen-free activity.


Click the link to have a listen!

To. V.oyage

When Caroline sets sail on an epic journey to rediscover her purpose, Paul must try to understand why she felt the urge to go, whilst simultaneously being tasked to report on the moon landings. Sometimes the gap between us is greater than the distance.

Starring Charlie Hendren and Ellie-Grace Cashin

Writer - Aram Atkinson
Director - Aram Atkinson
Producer - Aram Atkinson
Director of Photography - Aram Atkinson
1st AC - Nuri Moseinco
2nd AC - Mikey Oldfield
Gaffer - Harrison Bates
Editor - Aram Atkinson

Under The Vaulted Sky

'Under The Vaulted Sky' was a site-specific dance performance project created by Rosemary Lee, in the Cathedral of trees in Milton Keynes. It was commissioned by The Stables Theatre for The Milton Keynes International Festival in 2014.

IMPRINT (2017)

Research at Kingley Vale and Birling Gap with Anne Colvin
Dancers Mathilde Lepage Bagatta, Charlie Hendren and Charlotte Spencer
Mentoring with Rosemary Lee
Music by Steven Troughton
Film by Zoe Manders

Maiden Voyage Dance

Quartet for 15 Chairs

This piece was choreographed by the amazing Enrique Cabrera, director of Aracaladanza, for the Belfast Children's Festival in 2014 on Maiden Voyage Dance. 


Manifesto is a triple-bill of contemporary dance where physicality, power and passion abound. Manifesto showcases the choreographic talent of three men - Dylan Quinn (Ireland), Filip Van Huffel (England, Belgium) and Luke Murphy (Ireland, USA).



'Tarka the Otter' the Opera, composed by Stephen McNeff, directed by Thomas Guthrie and movement directed by Sarah Dowling, was performed as part of The Two Moors Festival in 2015 in Exeter Cathedral. 


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'The Temptation of St Anthony' is a show inspired by an Egyptian legend of a man who spent 35 years in solitude. It is a Wellcome trust supported ensemble performance that explores through song, body and landscapes where mental health and religious experience collides. It is a piece focused on the question 'How to treat a religiously oriented mental illness?' With insights from psychiatry and anthropology, this piece dives soul first into the human experiece of demon-possession.


Performed at the 2015 Edinburgh Fringe festival by Mechanimal.

Directed by Tom Bailey, 

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